MESAP is approaching its’ second transnational meeting in London, UK on 29th and 30thJuly 2016. The key focus of the meeting will be:
- Partner updates
- Project’s developments so far
- How successful was the youth worker training: Enterprising the Youth Sector training pilot in Adana, Turkey in January 2016
- Delivery of local Enterprise Skills and Social Action project Skills in each partners’ country
- Preparations for Digitalising Enterprise Youth Exchange in Socia, Bulgaria, 6th to 12thSeptember 2016
- Intellectual Outputs review
MESAP partners’ Asfar, Cukurova Universite and NAMCB have been out rolling its domestic training on Enterprise and Social Action within their own communities between June and August.
NAMCB completed training in June. In order to understand how this training was approached NAMCB provided a brief update on what occurred during the activity:
What was the training?
MESAP local delivery: Youth Enterprise Skills and Social Action project Skills
Where/when did it take place?
The training was held in the seaside town of Pomorie, 13th and 14th June
How many young people participated?
10 young people
What did they learn?
They are trained on the topics:
-based entrepreneurship
-role of entrepreneurship
-entrepreneurial skills
-features of the plan on entrepreneurship
-plan on entrepreneurship
-major decisions and framework ppp -national legislation
-major decisions and framework ppp
-concept of ppp
-key elements of the ppp
What feedback did you get from young people:
Young people completed questionnaires to obtain feedback from training
What type of Enterprises/Social Actions projects ideas did young people focus on?
They would like to set up:
Young people expressed their ideas for development in the fields of:
a) health;
b) education;
c) culture;
d) sport, recreation and tourism;
e) social assistance, social housing and dormitories.
To see photos, visits here