Project Update – August 2016

August, primarily saw all partners preparing for the final learning element of the programme: MESAP Digitalising the Youth Sector youth exchange.

Following the transnational, it soon became apparent that the issues, especially surrounding our Turkish partner: Cukurova Universite, had not improved and not only was travel going to be a problem for young participants, but also parents were forbidding their children from going abroad. Many were concerned that if they left the country, they would not be able to return. Also from a functional perspective, it became to be apparent that Turkish participants may not even be able to apply for Visas for Bulgaria.

To prevent the youth exchange dissolving, Asfar contacted the UK National Agency, who agreed that we could increase the number of Bulgarian young people, to re-balance the activity.

NAMCB identified key staff members for the 7 day youth exchange and finalised accommodation and facilities in Sofia for young people.

It was a very busy month all round from booking flights, providing briefings and generally finalising elements of the programme’s workshops.

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