Enterprising the Youth Sector – youth worker training – 18th January 2016 to 24th January 2016
Partner, Cukurova Universite is hosting the Erasmus+ MESAP Enterprising the Youth Sector – youth worker training session between 18th January 2016 to 24th January 2016 in Adana, Turkey.
The 7 day training session is a pilot and aimed at staff working with young people, especially in the careers, welfare to work and youth work sectors. The training is designed to develop Youth Workers’ skills and knowledge in Enterprise and Social Action, in order for them to be better placed to promote Enterprise and Social Action as an alternative to the traditional options open to young people such as: Employment, Education and Training.
The Enterprising the Youth Sector will develop skills within our staff and volunteers which in turn will be used in the delivery of a 6 week programme focusing on Youth Enterprise Skills and Social Action projects for young people in London, Sofia and Adana.
Enterprise the Youth Sector Training will include:
- What is Enterprise?
- Enterprise and Young People
- International Enterprise: UK; Turkey; Bulgaria case studies
- Different types of Enterprises
- Developing a Business idea
- Basic accountancy skills
- Digital tools in Business
- Mobilising enterprise skills into Social Action
Asfar and our partners are currently recruiting for young people to participate both in local training Youth Enterprise Skills and Social Action projects programmes and the pilot youth exchange in Sofia, Bulgaria, September 2016.